Monday, July 03, 2006

Frankfurt World Cup Arrival

My first weekend in Frankfurt, the post I thought I posted but in fact was never posted, hence this post.

PS> (PostScript) I got a discount on the word "post" today ;-)

Just arrived... well at least in the airspace. After months of anticipation for World Cup I'm finally here, Go Germany Go!!

Drop the bags in the airport lockers and take the train straight to the game, of course I arrived with 5 minutes to spare before the beginning of the game, just enough for a little face painting:

Looking good? ;-)

German got his paint on too:

The line coming into the stadium, crazy crazy atmosphere!

The Frankfurt skyline from the top of Frankfurt Arena... wow, I'm really here.

The Iranians (vs. Mexico) were by far the louder fans:

There was alot of Germany cheering too!

Can't beat that first day! More to come...