Monday, November 14, 2005


I'm still catching up on a bunch of pics from last weeks festivities when I was back in Stuttgart Germany. Here's a couple until I can get the other ones online from last sat's double diner, T-dot doin' her thang in the kitchen:

...of course I pitched in with some cooking and wine of my own :-)

Unfortunatly I somehow lost a bunch of the pics from the night but the next morning I took a pic of the pool place that we eventually crawled out of at 3am, proof that a good time isn't about the place, it's about the people!

I cannot begin to descibe how tired and hungover I was by Sunday night and I still had a 6 hour train ride back to Paris :-(

I can't believe it's already been a week since that pic (the on-train monitor display), time is speeding up!