Monday, December 05, 2005

Nokia n90

On the eve of this years Les Blogs 2.0 conference I unexpectedly woke up and was restless so I decided to check out any pre-buzz about the conference. Taking a look at the Les Blogs wiki (which I help maintain in a very small way) I noticed a new entry from Nokia with a promotion idea for the n90 phone:

"Nokia is offering a brand new Nokia n90 to the best contributor to the wiki
summarizing our thoughts on the consequences and future of blogging during the conference."

There was already a response from Netanel Jacobsson which exemplified blogging philosophy:

"How about Nokia, giving all the attendants a n90? That would certainly have an impact"
Which I took one step further with my own wiki suggestion:

"How about giving all the participants a n90 at the beginning of the conference. You've got 400+ of the worlds best read and well known bloggers coming together to talk, share, blog etc. for 2 days straight and you're wondering how to get the message out about the n90? Consider how many at the conference will actually use the n90 to blog during the conference! If you don't believe the marketing impressions and free buzz to be worth the negligible factory cost of the units then you're at the wrong conference!"
So what do you think Nokia? Great promotional avenue, or greedy conference attendees? As always, the correct answer is probably "C", both ;-)

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