Sunday, July 17, 2005

Old Post Alert

Just found an old post I was working on about Superbowl commercials that I never got around to finishing nor posting:

TiVo (who might not be around too much longer) also released some metrics on the most re-watched parts of the Superbowl. Of course one commercial didn't even get watched by anyone!

One of my favorite commercials (interesting to watch) was for the Olympus m:robe, of course the geek world did not share my sentiments. Ok actually here's the top ten from "The Raw Prawn" and they have it at #5, so maybe I wasn't sooo far off.

Can't wait for a new season of NFL to cleanse the last 2 years of Bucs incompetence, DO YOU HEAR WHAT I'M SAYING BUCS!?!?!

Go Bucs 2005/6!!

...and NHL's back!