Friday, December 24, 2004

In the words of 50 cent:

"Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go shorty
It's your birthday
We gon' party like it's yo birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's yo birthday'
Cause you know we don't give a fuckIt's not your birthday!"

But it IS my birthday!! Happy birthday to me! And Merry X-mas to everyone and yours, especially everyone in Germany who celebrate their Christmas today instead of the 25th. A brutal flu is ripping it's way through the household so we're all hanging out in the family room by the fire, eating, drinking, I'm surfin the web wirelessly on my new Netgear wireless router (geeking it up), life is good. We've got church later tonight and then our traditional drive around town to look at the Christmas lights and decorations. The best part about this year is that instead of a light diner like usual (because it's X-mas night) we're having my favorite roast on the BBQ! Sweet!

I've been good this year so I hope Santa reflects this accordingly :-)

Anyways, I'm sorting through e-mails today and I came across a forward from Denmark and had to post a couple of my favorites. The tagline is "Why women live longer then men" but could have just as easily been "Why guys are total idiots". Way to go Denmark for getting this in, Merry X-mas eh!

I'm also adding a perma-link to Marta's photo album from the parties, alot of good shit in there, thanks for posting Marta! Anyone who has other pics from the parties etc please shoot me an e-mail, I also go a few from Franky baby who just so happens to have started a blog of his own, check it out over at!

PS> Anyone else have anymore Amsterdam stories, I had totally forgotten about the pigeon "incident". Pigeon 1, Jenny 0 ;-)

Update: I'm going through all the pics I've recieved in the last month, some are just too good not to post. This is a club in Amsterdam, yes it must be my new favorite ;-)