Friday, May 06, 2005

Getting some thesis done and occupying my mind online:

How Microsoft is looking over their shoulder at Google, well duh.

A great promo for Creative Commons work (click on the "Get Creative" link). I've been meaning to get one of those symbols on my site... and now I finally got to it :-) Also updated my book list which has been neglected lately, but after finishing a bunch and starting a bunch more I thought it was time. Also updated my Amazon Wishlist hint hint ;-)

A timeline counter online, the green line is the current time, the red line is when I will finish my thesis ;-)

A different type of money shrinking than what's going on with my bank account ;-)

Connan doing what Connan does best, here he's making fun of a fictional German game show which is only funny because of how truly it reflects the culture here.

Eliminating the time between release dates of a movie in theatres, DVD and Television Pay-per-View. Interesting. Movies are about to get another kick in special effects, temporal frame manipulation. Cool. Even cooler, the Mac beer tap: (via Engadget)

Who says British humour sux? Well it does, but this doesn't! Kylie is a cutie eh!

Not sure if I can follow a Kylie post with this, but here goes. Ever wonder what Canadian's do with all that time and snow on their hands, pretty much the same as they do in Laramie :-)

A great line from Dan Sherman "If you ain't remarkable, why?"

This photo, spooged from Gadling, pretty much sums up more than words why someday I will travel to the Artic (of course Antartica is first on the list), enjoy your Friday night everyone: